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Who's Ready For Second Summer?

Around this time each year, there is a noticeable shift in the mainstream, and everyone from Walmart to the media to sports talk radio wants you to believe summer is over. Swimsuits and lawn chairs are on the deep discount aisle, magazine ads tout the new Fall fashions and the NFL is back in training camp. But you know what? Summer isn't over, not by a long shot. Sure, it's only a couple of weeks until the kids are back in school, but is that really even the end? When I was a kid, school didn't start back until summer was over; after Labor Day. My senior year in high school was the first year our school reported back before Labor Day, and it seemed like we got cheated out of those last couple of precious summer days.

So, here we are, a full 38 days from Labor Day. Are we just going to give in and slog our way toward flannel shirts and pumpkin spice lattes? Not me, brother. My Second Summer starts today!

Hang Out With The Boys Of Summer
Half the teams in the National League and just about every team in the American League is still in the running for the playoffs, so get out and support your local nine one last time. Nothing says summer like a warm evening with 30,000 of your closest friends, a cold beer and a hot dog. If you don't live in a major league city, check out your local minor league team. Chances are that with call ups and demotions the lineup is completely different than when you saw them back in May. I'll be going to the Charlotte Knights game on Friday, August 4th at 7:00.

Take Me To The River
As we enter the Dog Days of Summer, what sounds better than a leisurely paddle down a cool river on a sundrenched afternoon. Be sure to bring a cooler and a fishing pole. I'll be joining the Anson County Chamber of Commerce on their August Paddle Day, August 5th starting at 10:00 PM.

Let It Grow, Let It Grow, Let It Grow
Most gardeners are in harvest mode this time of year, reaping the benefit of all the hard work they put in during the spring. But, it's not to late to plant something new for a late summer harvest. Green beans planted now will produce before the first frost in all but the coldest locales, lettuce will be ready to garnish that Labor Day cheeseburger, and even larger tomato plants (which are often deeply discounted this time of year) are likely to produce by the end of the season. Go to your garden center and see what they have left. You may have an opportunity to try some "unpopular" plant that is new to you. I saw some "Clemson Okra" today on sale at Walmart for a dollar a plant. Not a huge okra fan, but at that price, I'll give it a try.

Amuse Yourself
Many families plan their amusement park trips for early in the season, so as to avoid the excessive heat and not interfere with back-to-school activities, but why not give it a second spin, literally and figuratively. But, instead of going back to the same old spot, why not try something different. I know it's not an amusement park, per se, but the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro is a great attraction the whole family will enjoy at a price far less than other similar attractions.

Take In A Movie...At The Drive-In
Yes, many of the big summer blockbusters have come and gone from the screens at the multiplex, but for those of us who live within reasonable driving distance of a drive-in (the closest one to me is the Sunset in Shelby, about an hour away) a few of those big summer films might still be playing as part of double features. This weekend, for instance, a twin-bill of The Emoji Movie and War for The Planet of the Apes is showing at the Sunset... and a carload is just $12. If you prefer a less open air movie experience, the Stephen King-based Dark Tower movie opens August 4th. Take the whole Ka-Tet.

Any way you slice it, you've still got a solid month before Labor Day, so whether you're camping, running, entertaining friends outside, or taking part in any other type of outdoor activity, well... keep doing those things! And enjoy your Second Summer! 


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